.gitattributes 4.6 KB

  1. # From https://github.com/Danimoth/gitattributes/blob/master/Web.gitattributes
  3. #
  4. # These settings are for any web project.
  5. #
  6. # Details per file setting:
  7. # text These files should be normalized (i.e. convert CRLF to LF).
  8. # binary These files are binary and should be left untouched.
  9. #
  10. # Note that binary is a macro for -text -diff.
  11. ######################################################################
  12. # Auto detect
  13. ## Handle line endings automatically for files detected as
  14. ## text and leave all files detected as binary untouched.
  15. ## This will handle all files NOT defined below.
  16. * text=auto
  17. # Source code
  18. *.bash text eol=lf
  19. *.bat text eol=crlf
  20. *.cmd text eol=crlf
  21. *.coffee text
  22. *.css text
  23. *.htm text diff=html
  24. *.html text diff=html
  25. *.inc text
  26. *.ini text
  27. *.js text
  28. *.json text
  29. *.jsx text
  30. *.less text
  31. *.ls text
  32. *.map text -diff
  33. *.od text
  34. *.onlydata text
  35. *.php text diff=php
  36. *.pl text
  37. *.ps1 text eol=crlf
  38. *.py text diff=python
  39. *.rb text diff=ruby
  40. *.sass text
  41. *.scm text
  42. *.scss text diff=css
  43. *.sh text eol=lf
  44. *.sql text
  45. *.styl text
  46. *.tag text
  47. *.ts text
  48. *.tsx text
  49. *.xml text
  50. *.xhtml text diff=html
  51. # Docker
  52. Dockerfile text
  53. # Documentation
  54. *.ipynb text
  55. *.markdown text
  56. *.md text
  57. *.mdwn text
  58. *.mdown text
  59. *.mkd text
  60. *.mkdn text
  61. *.mdtxt text
  62. *.mdtext text
  63. *.txt text
  64. AUTHORS text
  65. CHANGELOG text
  66. CHANGES text
  68. COPYING text
  69. copyright text
  70. *COPYRIGHT* text
  71. INSTALL text
  72. license text
  73. LICENSE text
  74. NEWS text
  75. readme text
  76. *README* text
  77. TODO text
  78. # Templates
  79. *.dot text
  80. *.ejs text
  81. *.haml text
  82. *.handlebars text
  83. *.hbs text
  84. *.hbt text
  85. *.jade text
  86. *.latte text
  87. *.mustache text
  88. *.njk text
  89. *.phtml text
  90. *.tmpl text
  91. *.tpl text
  92. *.twig text
  93. *.vue text
  94. # Configs
  95. *.cnf text
  96. *.conf text
  97. *.config text
  98. .editorconfig text
  99. .env text
  100. .gitattributes text
  101. .gitconfig text
  102. .htaccess text
  103. *.lock text -diff
  104. package-lock.json text -diff
  105. *.toml text
  106. *.yaml text
  107. *.yml text
  108. browserslist text
  109. Makefile text
  110. makefile text
  111. # Heroku
  112. Procfile text
  113. # Graphics
  114. *.ai binary
  115. *.bmp binary
  116. *.eps binary
  117. *.gif binary
  118. *.gifv binary
  119. *.ico binary
  120. *.jng binary
  121. *.jp2 binary
  122. *.jpg binary
  123. *.jpeg binary
  124. *.jpx binary
  125. *.jxr binary
  126. *.pdf binary
  127. *.png binary
  128. *.psb binary
  129. *.psd binary
  130. # SVG treated as an asset (binary) by default.
  131. *.svg text
  132. # If you want to treat it as binary,
  133. # use the following line instead.
  134. # *.svg binary
  135. *.svgz binary
  136. *.tif binary
  137. *.tiff binary
  138. *.wbmp binary
  139. *.webp binary
  140. # Audio
  141. *.kar binary
  142. *.m4a binary
  143. *.mid binary
  144. *.midi binary
  145. *.mp3 binary
  146. *.ogg binary
  147. *.ra binary
  148. # Video
  149. *.3gpp binary
  150. *.3gp binary
  151. *.as binary
  152. *.asf binary
  153. *.asx binary
  154. *.fla binary
  155. *.flv binary
  156. *.m4v binary
  157. *.mng binary
  158. *.mov binary
  159. *.mp4 binary
  160. *.mpeg binary
  161. *.mpg binary
  162. *.ogv binary
  163. *.swc binary
  164. *.swf binary
  165. *.webm binary
  166. # Archives
  167. *.7z binary
  168. *.gz binary
  169. *.jar binary
  170. *.rar binary
  171. *.tar binary
  172. *.zip binary
  173. # Fonts
  174. *.ttf binary
  175. *.eot binary
  176. *.otf binary
  177. *.woff binary
  178. *.woff2 binary
  179. # Executables
  180. *.exe binary
  181. *.pyc binary
  182. # RC files (like .babelrc or .eslintrc)
  183. *.*rc text
  184. # Ignore files (like .npmignore or .gitignore)
  185. *.*ignore text